Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday Art Notes

Brown University alum and Trinity Rep-certified playwright Sarah Ruhl is profiled in this week's New Yorker:
The turning point for Ruhl came in 1997, at a production of “Passion Play,” her first full-length work, which [Brown professor and playwright Paula] Vogel had arranged at Trinity Repertory Company, in Providence, Rhode Island. Kathleen [Ruhl, Sarah Ruhl's mother] drove herself and Sarah to the event. They had an accident, and Sarah was briefly knocked unconscious. Nonetheless, she managed to see her play. “At a visceral level, watching the play, I thought, This is it,” she said. “Some people stood. What whorish playwright wouldn’t be excited about that? It was momentous and strange.”
It's not like Alex Ross's profile of the Community MusicWorks (abstract here) but it's still pretty neat.

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